Meet Dr. Zu
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Meet our pharmacist, a distinguished professional who graduated in 2014 and holds active licenses in Ontario, Ohio, and Texas. With extensive experience spanning retail pharmacy, narcotic treatment programs, pharmacy consulting, and pharmacy benefit management, he brings a wealth of knowledge to his practice. By integrating mindfulness and meditation with his comprehensive pharmacy expertise, he offers a holistic approach to patient care, bridging the gap between traditional medicine and mental well-being.
Awards & Recognitions
Empowered patients to envision healthier lifestyles by combining personalized pharmacy care with mindfulness practices to improve blood pressure, mental health, sleep, and weight loss.
Created tailored wellness plans that integrated medication reviews, mindful breathing, and mindful eating exercises to help patients reduce stress and improve adherence to treatment.
Led meditation-based coaching sessions to support patients in building healthier habits, resulting in improved sleep quality, reduced emotional eating, and sustained weight management.
Demonstrated measurable improvements in patient outcomes, including lowered blood pressure and reduced reliance on medications, by empowering patients with holistic wellness strategies.